
Neo Classical Scenery

CosMind Production Music

[CPM4669] Neo Classical Scenery

Hopeful & Beautiful

Other Version

Hopeful & Beautiful Underscore #47

Hopeful & Beautiful Light #48

Cinematic, evocative, hopeful, inspirational, emotional neo-classical piano with string orchestra, rising and building up with confidence. A great soundtrack for narration, motivation, hope and optimism in documentary, film and advertising.


Neo-Classical, Orchestral, Soundtrack, cinematic, hopeful, beautiful, evocative, inspirational, emotional, confident, building, graceful, magical, awakening, poignant, inspired, storytelling, scene-setting, neo-classical, artful, peaceful, panoramic, romantic, flowing, gentle, heartwarming, wondrous, enchanting, gracious, elegant, timeless, noble, minimal, lyrical, poetic, imagery, idyllic, picturesque, narrative, sentimental, exquisite, prestigious, sophisticated, rising, filmic, emotions, strings, orchestral, piano, contemporary, documentary, advertising, trailer, promo, drama, docudrama, general underscores, film, score, movie, soundtrack, history, historical, heritage, castle, nostalgia, nature, landscapes, aerial, view, panorama, park, garden, luxury, elegance, prestige, noblesse, beauty, arts, aristocracy, culture, scenery, cultural, program, biography, hope, love, romance, artistry, human, humanity, better world, new day, life, stories, wonders, creation, narration, optimism, confidence, motivation, achievements, Piano, Strings, String Orchestra, Cello

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード 恐怖/緊張/シリアス, ドラマティック
カテゴリ ヒューマン・ドラマ, サスペンス
楽器 アコースティックピアノ, ストリング・セクション
バージョン Full
トラック番号 12
楽曲の長さ 02:58
作曲家 Glenn Cartier
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005