
Neo Classical Scenery


Neo Classical Scenery

[ 劇伴 ] [ PD (有名曲) ] [ヴィヴァルディ 四季 ]
[ 緊張/緊迫 ] [ ミステリアス ] [ ドラマティック ]
[ ファンタジー ] [ サスペンス ] [ ミステリー/超常現象 ] [ 企業VP/プロモ ]

A brilliant collection of inspirational and elegant neo-classical soundtracks in a modern sound design, created by the award-winning film composer Glenn Cartier. This one-of-a-kind album delivers an outstanding dynamic and emotional range of Neo Classical themes and scores with evocative, graceful, delicate, inspirational, epic and expressive colors, designed for filmmakers and great storytelling moments.
These masterful recordings of virtuosic solo strings, orchestra and piano are the perfect choice for productions seeking a blend of elegance, class and exquisite style for arts, culture, documentary, drama, trailers, advertising, history and heritage. Including valuable alternate Versions
