Music Search


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1-15件 / 15 件中

Unconventional Fun Full

Curious & Quirky

TM037 Curious & Quirky #13

Orchestral, Gentle, Playful, Light, Exciting, Strings, Glockenspiel, Double Bass, Percussion

Dissipate Full

Neo Classical Ambient

TM031 Neo Classical Ambient #1

Neo Classical, Modern Classical, Ambient, Drama, Narrative, Reminiscence, Heartfelt, Beauty, Hopeful, Intimate, Piano, Strings, Piano FX, Ambient FX

Questing Full


TM017 Synthwave #8

Synthwave, Retrowave, Electronic, 80s, 80s, strange, retro, synthwave, scifi, synth, hooky, innocence, hope, friendship, journey, adventure, otherworldly, drums, synth bass, synth chords, synth lead, synth fx

Formulate Full


TM017 Synthwave #7

Synthwave, Retrowave, Electronic, 80s, 80s, strange, retro, synthwave, scifi, synth, textural, hooky, arpeggios, complex, simple, innocence, friendship, puzzles, mysterious, detective, synth bass, synth arpeggios, synth lead

Locomoto Full


TM017 Synthwave #6

Synthwave, Retrowave, Electronic, 80s, 80s, strange, retro, synthwave, cheese, synths pop, hooky, sweeping synth strings, Otherworldly, drums, synth bass, synth strings, synth lead, synth fx

Electro Odyssey Full


TM017 Synthwave #5

Synthwave, Retrowave, Electronic, 80s, 80s, strange, retro, synthwave, synths, cheesy 80s melody, hooky, detuned strings, dark swells, toms, breakdown, builds, journey, hope in adversity, drums, synth bass, synth strings, synth arpeggios synth lead

Inside The Lair Full


TM017 Synthwave #4

Synthwave, Retrowave, Electronic, 80s, 80s, strange, retro, synthwave, scifi, horror, synths, detuned synth, dissonant, building, sting, scare, evil, monster, Supernatural, Otherworldly, drums, synth chords, synth lead

The Awakening Full


TM017 Synthwave #3

Synthwave, Retrowave, Electronic, 80s, 80s, strange, retro, synthwave, scifi, horror, synths, detuned synth, driving rhythm, arpeggios, 80s toms, ominous, Supernatural, Otherwordly, drums, synth bass, synth chords, synth arpeggio, synth lead

The Power Full


TM017 Synthwave #2

Synthwave, Retrowave, Electronic, 80s, 80s, strange, retro, synthwave, scifi, horror, hooky, rock drums, synths, synth guitar solo, anthemic, epic, optimistic, power, Supernatural, Otherwordly, drums, synth bass, synth chords, synth lead

Forbode Full


TM017 Synthwave #1

Synthwave, Retrowave, Electronic, 80s, 80s, strange, retro, synthwave, scifi, horror, synth, arpeggios, ominous, Dark, Supernatural, Otherwordly, kick drum, synth bass, synth chords, synth lead,

Expanse Full

Panoramica One

TM009 Panoramica One #9

劇伴, ミステリアス, ドラマティック, ファンタジー, ミステリー/超常現象, フルオーケストラ, アコースティックピアノ, シンセサイザー, ハープ, テンポ: 遅い

Paradise Lost Full

Trailers & Promos

TM006 Trailers & Promos #8

エレクトロポップ, 劇伴, 緊張/緊迫, シリアス, 未来的, バトル, サイエンスフィクション, サスペンス, シンセサイザー, ストリング・セクション, シンセドラム, 太鼓, テンポ: 普通

Path of the Samurai Full

Jade Dragon - Epic Oriental Trailer

TWPM044 Jade Dragon - Epic Oriental Trailer #9

サウンドトラック/トレイラー, アジア-中国, 緊張/緊迫, ミステリアス, アドベンチャー, ファンタジー, シンセサイザー, その他-民族楽器 - 弦楽器, パーカッション, 合唱/聖歌隊, テンポ: 普通,

Chase Through Chinatown Full

Jade Dragon - Epic Oriental Trailer

TWPM044 Jade Dragon - Epic Oriental Trailer #6

サウンドトラック/トレイラー, 緊張/緊迫, パワフル, アクション, バトル, シンセサイザー, シンセベース, パーカッション, その他-民族楽器 - 弦楽器, テンポ: 普通,

Rising Phoenix Full

Jade Dragon - Epic Oriental Trailer

TWPM044 Jade Dragon - Epic Oriental Trailer #4

サウンドトラック/トレイラー, アジア-中国, 緊張/緊迫, ノスタルジック, アドベンチャー, ファンタジー, エピック, 二胡 (中国), シンセサイザー, ストリング・セクション, パーカッション, テンポ: 普通,

1-15件 / 15 件中