
Concentration 2


[PARSICD0112] Concentration 2

Un Vieux Jardin

Ominous and tormented ethereal soundscape, orchestral. Featuring orchestral percussion and SFX.

Space, Adventure, Choral, Ethereal, Industrial, Sci-Fi, Science, Electronic, War, Espionage, Spy, Hard, Tormented, Dark, Ominous, Classical Idiom, Sinister, Tormented, Relentless, Heavy, Creepy, Strange, Mysterious, Weird, Scary, Spooky, Exciting, Dangerous, Tension, Tense, Suspense, Powerful, Powerful and Imposing, Purposeful, Space Adventure, Adventure Movies, Action Adventure, Fantasy Movies, Scary Movies, Spooky Movies, Horror Movies, Thriller Movies, Deep Bass Drone, Orchestral Brass, SFX, Hit Metal, Choral Voices, Synthesiser Voices, Percussion, Orchestral Percussion, Slow tempo, Deep Bass Drone, Orchestral Brass, SFX, Hit Metal, Choral Voices, Synthesiser Voices, Percussion, Orchestral Percussion,

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード 恐怖/緊張/シリアス, 壮大/パノラマ
カテゴリ アクション, ミリタリー/ウォー, サスペンス
楽器 合唱/聖歌隊, チューバ, パーカッション, ティンパニ
バージョン Short
トラック番号 20
楽曲の長さ 00:04
作曲家 Franck Lovisolo Guillard
テンポ 変速
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005