Obsessive and ominous ethnic soundscape, sinister. Featuring ethnic percussion and ethnic gong.
Menacing, Moody, Mysterious, Obsessive, Intense, Spooky, Edgy, Ethnic, Sinister, Action, Adventure, Storytelling, Tense, Obsessive, Ominous, Powerful, Powerful and Imposing, Purposeful, Restless and Unsettled, Sad, Sinister, Sinister Horror, Steady, Tense, Tormented, Relentless, Heavy, Creepy, Constant, Crescendo, Driving, Insistent, Marching, Thriller Movies, Action Movies, Fantasy Adventure, Ethnic Movies, Mystery Movies, Adventure Movies, Action Adventure, Fantasy Movies, Ethnic Gong, Ethnic Percussion, Ethnic Vocals, Ethnic Plucked Strings, Ethnic Flute, Medium Fast tempo, Ethnic Gong, Ethnic Percussion, Ethnic Vocals, Ethnic Plucked Strings, Ethnic Flute
ジャンル | アジア-日本, 劇伴 |
ムード | 恐怖/緊張/シリアス, パワフル, 壮大/パノラマ |
カテゴリ | バトル, ミリタリー/ウォー, 時代劇 |
楽器 | シンセサイザー, パーカッション, 琴, 尺八 |
その他情報 |
バージョン | 30sec |
トラック番号 | 48 |
楽曲の長さ | 00:30 |
作曲家 | Thierry Chaze |
JASRACコード | 1E8-1581-1 |
テンポ | 普通 |