Mysterious and dark ethnic soundscape, ominous. Featuring gong, ethnic percussion and ethnic voices.
Ethnic, Acoustic, Storytelling, Documentary, Childlike, Romantic, Easy Listening, Graceful, Hopeful, Ominous, Powerful, Mysterious, Dark, Ethnic, Energetic, Punchy, Lively, Ominous, Powerful, Powerful and Imposing, Purposeful, Restless and Unsettled, Sad, Sinister, Sinister Horror, Steady, Tense, Tormented, Relentless, Heavy, Creepy, Sound Elements Atmospheres, Story time and Fantasy, Ethnic Movies, Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Animation Film, Action Adventure, Fantasy Adventure, Tuned Percussion, Gong, SFX, Ethnic Percussion, Ethnic Drums, Ethnic Voices, Medium tempo, Tuned Percussion, Gong, SFX, Ethnic Percussion, Ethnic Drums, Ethnic Voices
ジャンル | アフリカ-アフリカ |
ムード | 神秘的/ミステリアス |
カテゴリ | ミステリー/超常現象, 自然 |
楽器 | その他-ボーカル, パーカッション, 木琴 |
その他情報 |
バージョン | Full (Vocal) |
トラック番号 | 2 |
楽曲の長さ | 04:09 |
作曲家 | Didier Billet |
JASRACコード | 1E7-8251-4 |
テンポ | 普通 |