
Humor & Comedy

CosMind Production Music

[CPM4510] Humor & Comedy

A Funny Swing Of Life

funny, uplifting, happy, bouncing, easy moving theme with accordion, driving rhythm and clarinet, Film/TV, movie, documentary, news stories, drama, reality-tv, funny urban, funny lifestyle, leisure, holiday, feel good, emotion, comedy, humor, happy, funny, ironic, kitsch, quirky, cheesy, failure, cartoon, kids, family, funny animals, themes, trailer, promos, underscore, bed, show, entertainment, commercials, advertising, homepage, easy, melodic, instrument, contemporary acoustic


funny, uplifting, happy, bouncing, easy moving theme, accordion, driving rhythm, clarinet, film, TV, movie, documentary, news stories, drama, reality-tv, funny urban, funny lifestyle, leisure, holiday, feel good, emotion, comedy, humor, happy, funny, ironic, kitsch, quirky, cheesy, failure, cartoon, kids, family, funny animals, themes, trailer, promos, underscore, bed, show, entertainment, commercials, advertising, homepage, easy, melodic, instrument, contemporary acoustic, clarinet, accordion

ジャンル ジプシージャズ, ジャズ
ムード ノリの良い/ファンキー, クール/洗練された, 神秘的/ミステリアス
カテゴリ キッズ, アニメ/カートゥーン, ハロウィン, サウンドデザイン
楽器 アコーディオン, ストリング・セクション, クラリネット, 木琴
バージョン Full
トラック番号 20
楽曲の長さ 00:39
作曲家 John Goldham
Pete Mason
JASRACコード 1P6-7795-5
テンポ 速い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005