It Will Be Fine Underscore A #46
It Will Be Fine Underscore B #47
It Will Be Fine 30sec #48
Atmospheric and emotional title - longing cello melody surrounded by warm guitars , Atmospharischer und emotionaler Titel - sehnsuchtige Cello-Melodie begleitet von warm klingenden Gitarren
Country, Folk, Acoustic, Warm, Emotional, Organic, Atmospheric, Reflective, Nostalgic, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Film Genres, Lifestyle TV, Travel, Drama, Instrumental,, Guitar-Electric, Bass-Electric, Percussion, Cello
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その他情報 |
バージョン | Full |
トラック番号 | 45 |
楽曲の長さ | 02:48 |
作曲家 | Mika Johanson Margomat |
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テンポ | 遅い |