Softly Lit By Headlights 30sec #25
Softly Lit By Headlights 60sec #41
Softly Lit By Headlights Underscore #59
Beautiful and delicate piano and string cue with subtle synth bass and hand pan. Sparse staccato strings, soaring violins & ethereal voices build to a soft crescendo
Neo Classical, Melancholic,Sentimental,Longing,Wistful,Melancholy,Reminiscent,Yearning,Reflective,Homesick,Bittersweet,Fond, Nature, Documentary, Thought-provoking, Introspective, Pensive, Soul-searching, Meditative, Thoughtful, Poignant, Nostalgic, Hang Drum, Choir, Bass Synth, Piano, Strings
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バージョン | Full |
トラック番号 | 9 |
楽曲の長さ | 03:06 |
作曲家 | Martin Walsh |
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