Waiting For You With Love 30sec #20
Waiting For You With Love 60sec #36
Waiting For You With Love Underscore #52
Optimistic and bright piano with a pensive string section. Energetic bass synth pulse and Beautiful strings ebb and flow between piano arpeggios
Neo Classical, Heavenly, Introspective, Reflective, Uplifting, Emotional, Serene, Ethereal, Hopeful, Nostalgic, Poignant, Yearning, Breathtaking, Nature, Positive, Peaceful, Wonder, Soul-searching, Meditative, Thoughtful, Poignant, Nostalgic, Pulsing, Soaring, Driving, Strings, Piano, Synth, Bass synth
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バージョン | Full |
トラック番号 | 4 |
楽曲の長さ | 03:01 |
作曲家 | Martin Walsh |
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