
Minimal Strings


[APL504] Minimal Strings

Decipher the Past

Other Version

Decipher the Past Underscore #6

Decipher the Past 30sec #7

Decipher the Past 30sec Underscore #8

A gripping and suspenseful track that uses minimal, classy strings. Its building intensity could be used to enhance the dramatic tension in a political drama or an espionage narrative.

Classical, Classical Music, Curious, Curiosity, Interesting, Intriguing, Classy, Dynamic, Rhythmic, Elegant, Elegance, Graceful, Exciting, Euphoric, Exhilarating, Enthusiastic, Intense, Minimal, Minimalistic, Reduced, Gripping, Fascinating, Captivating, Ominous, Brooding, Pending, Waiting, Serious, Sinister, Suspenseful, Suspense, Tense, Anticipation, Tension, Pressure, Stress, Building, Build, Crescendo, Rising, Soaring, Developing, Buildup, Documentary, Human Interest, Human Stories, History, Film Genres, Film, Movie, Movies, Cinema, Crime, Criminal, Gang, Gangster, Heist, Mafia, Suspect, Cybercrime, True Crime, Drama, Investigation, Evidence, Political, Politics, Election, Private Eye, Spy, Agent, Espionage, Spying, Thriller, Instrumental, Documentary, Human Interest, Human Stories, History, Film Genres, Film, Movie, Movies, Cinema, Crime, Criminal, Gang, Gangster, Heist, Mafia, Suspect, Cybercrime, True Crime, Drama, Investigation, Evidence, Political, Politics, Election, Private Eye, Spy, Agent, Espionage, Spying, Thriller, Bass-Upright, Upright Bass, Double Bass, Acoustic Bass, Bass Upright, Cello, Strings, Strings-Legato, Strings Legato, Legato Strings, Strings-Staccato, Strings Staccato, Staccato Stings, Strings-Pizzicato, Strings Pizzicato, Pizzicato Strings, Pizzicato, Pizz, Pizz Strings, Plucked Strings

ジャンル クラシック風
ムード 恐怖/緊張/シリアス, クール/洗練された, ユーモア/慌ただしい/風変り/奇妙な, 厳粛な
カテゴリ スパイ, ヒューマン・ドラマ, 犯罪/クライムドラマ
楽器 ストリング・セクション, チェロ, コントラバス, ピチカート
その他情報 ドキュメンタリー
バージョン Full
トラック番号 5
楽曲の長さ 02:09
作曲家 Vess Ray
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005