
Simple Pleasures

APL Lifestyle

[APLS160] Simple Pleasures

Waves of Simplicity

Other Version

Waves of Simplicity Underscore #41

Waves of Simplicity No Drums #42

Waves of Simplicity 30sec #43

Waves of Simplicity 30sec Underscore #44

Waves of Simplicity 30sec No Drums #45

The track creates a sense of peace and well-being, encouraging viewers of lifestyle TV to relax and enjoy the beauty of the moment. It will add a carefree and optimistic touch to any project seeking to capture the beauty of simple pleasures and serene moments.

Easy Listening, Elevator, Muzak, Hold Music, Folk, Acoustic, Background, Underscore, Bright, Light, Easy, Cheesy, Kitsch, Kitschy, Twee, Carefree, Light-Hearted, Lighthearted, Gentle, Delicate, Fragile, Mellow, Subtle, Tender, Sensitive, Feel Good, Feel-Good, Feelgood, Good Times, Happy, Happiness, Happy-Go-Lucky, Jolly, Hopeful, Hope, Joyful, Cheerful, Joyous, Playful, Frolic, Optimistic, Optimism, Pastoral, Bucolic, Serene, Positive, Positivity, Sunny, Uplifting, Warm, Heart Warming, Heart-Warming, Heartwarming, Advertising, Advert, Ads, Commercial, TV Commercial, Children, Child, Toys, Kids, Entertainment TV, Breakfast TV, Morning Show, Daytime TV, Daytime, Lifestyle TV, Lifestyle, Animals, Pets, Family, Garden, Gardening, Home, Property, Outdoors, Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Outdoor, Wandering, Instrumental, Drums, Drumkit, Electric Piano, Piano-Electric, Wurlitzer Piano, Guitar-Acoustic, Acoustic Guitar, Guitar Acoustic, Guitar-Electric, Electric Guitar, Guitar Electric

ジャンル アコースティックロック/ポップ, オセアニア-ハワイ(ハワイアン)
ムード 温かい/のどかな/ノスタルジック
カテゴリ トラベル, ライフスタイル
楽器 ウクレレ, エレクトリックピアノ, パーカッション
その他情報 南国,
バージョン Full
トラック番号 40
楽曲の長さ 02:14
作曲家 Rune Westberg
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005