
Uplifting Acoustic Scores


[APL494] Uplifting Acoustic Scores

Feel Alive

Other Version

Feel Alive Underscore #26

Feel Alive Strings and Guitar Only #27

Feel Alive No Drums #28

Feel Alive 30sec #29

Feel Alive 30sec Underscore #30

Feel Alive 30sec Strings and Guitar #31

Feel Alive 30sec No Drums #32

This vibrant and uplifting track is full of hope and optimism. Bright guitars strum a carefree melody alongside gentle strings. "Feel Alive" has a touch of elegance perfect for dramas and romance films.

Film Music, Film Score, Soundtrack, Score, Acoustic, Background, Underscore, Beautiful, Charming, Bright, Light, Easy, Cinematic, Filmic, Scenic, Classy, Carefree, Light-Hearted, Lighthearted, Calm, Calming, Peace, Peaceful, Restful, Tranquil, Elegant, Elegance, Graceful, Feel Good, Feel-Good, Feelgood, Good Times, Happy, Happiness, Happy-Go-Lucky, Jolly, Hopeful, Hope, Pastoral, Bucolic, Serene, Positive, Positivity, Sunny, Uplifting, Advertising, Advert, Ads, Commercial, TV Commercial, Documentary, Human Interest, Human Stories, Art, Culture, Entertainment TV, Reality, Reality TV, Reality Show, Scripted Reality, Soap Opera, Film Genres, Film, Movie, Movies, Cinema, Drama, Romance, Lifestyle TV, Lifestyle, Animals, Pets, Cooking, Baking, Cookery, Cuisine, Kitchen, Design, DIY, Homemade, Instructional, Family, Garden, Gardening, Spring, Springtime, Instrumental, Drums, Drumkit, Orchestra, Guitar-Acoustic, Acoustic Guitar, Guitar Acoustic, Strings, Strings-Legato, Strings Legato, Legato Strings, Strings-Ostinato, Strings Ostinato, Ostinato Strings, Strings-Staccato, Strings Staccato, Staccato Stings, Piano

ジャンル アコースティックロック/ポップ
ムード 温かい/のどかな/ノスタルジック
カテゴリ 自然, ライフスタイル
楽器 アコースティックギター, アコースティックピアノ, ストリング・セクション
バージョン Full
トラック番号 25
楽曲の長さ 02:06
作曲家 Boulishious Bird
Stephan Schelens
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005