
Elegant Inspiration

Textured Production Music

[TEX1026] Elegant Inspiration

Few Moments More

Heartwarming light orchestral cue. Quiet start with piano, tuned percussion. Builds with rhythmic strings, sustained brass. Feel good end. Edit point 0:53.

acoustic, organic, momentum, driving, underscore, confident, elegant, heartwarming, hopeful, inspiring, powerful, progress, proud, reflective, cinematic, olympic, sweeping, happy, positive, determined, satisfied, emotional, airy, sophisticated, joyful, promo, orchestral, easy listening, film score, hybrid, going forward, forward-going, dynamic, propulsive, bed, sparse, minimalistic, soundscape, background, sure, confidence, fancy, high society, warm, heart, heartfelt, heart warming, expectant, inspired, inspiration, inspire, encourage, encouraging, inspirational, strong, bold, power, progression, forward, movement, success, successful, accomplish, accomplishment, pride, dignified, dignity, head held high, chin up, introspective, contemplate, contemplative, thoughtful, pondering, wondering, sentimental, pensive, team, team effort, teamwork, team work, panoramic, grand, grandiose, happiness, glad, gladness, smile, smiling, cheery, merry, joyous, motivate, motivating, motivation, up, upbeat, convincing, optimism, optimistic, uplifting, motivational, bright, favorable, favourable, affecting, moving, touching, breezy, breezily, cultivated, promotion, advertising, commercial, strings, orchestra, symphony, symphonic, film music, movie soundtrack, background score, crossover, piano, violins, trombones

バージョン 30sec
トラック番号 183
楽曲の長さ 00:33
作曲家 Alexander Helbo Bille
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005