
Orchestral Hybrid Tension

Other Version

Critical Range No Leads, Reduced Arrangement #58

Critical Range No Main Pattern #59

Critical Range No Drums #60

Critical Range Ambient #61

Critical Range 60sec #62

Critical Range 30sec #63

Critical Range Bumper 1 #64

Critical Range Bumper 2 #65

Critical Range Bumper 3 #66

Critical Range Bumper 4 #67

Critical Range Bumper 5 #68

Suspenseful, rhythmic hybrid tension. Low bass beats, synths build with percussive layers, slow chords. Discordant, surprising elements. Powerful finale.

pulsing, momentum, driving, building, underscore, dark, serious, strange, suspense, tense, ambient, mysterious, hypnotic, ominous, danger, sinister, crime, investigation, promo, electronica, drama, orchestral, hybrid, going forward, forward-going, progress, dynamic, propulsive, increasing, build, rising, crescendo, rise, bed, sparse, minimalistic, soundscape, background, gloomy, gray, grey, eccentric, weird, odd, unusual, bizarre, thriller, edge of seat, anxiety, tension, uncertainty, suspicion, suspenseful, fear, unrest, restless, uneasy, nervous, uptight, worried, chill, unknown, whodoneit, mystery, mystique, mesmerize, hypnotize, mesmerizing, haunt, haunting, brood, brooding, eerie, ghoulish, foreboding, trouble, bad, evil, nasty, diabolic, criminal, police, crime drama, homicide, murder, steal, rob, robbery, blood, forensic, ballistic, law, court, court room, lawyer, judge, detective, cop, crime scene, bullet, gun, spy, betrayal, reveal, ballisitic, investigate, investigative, research, expose, exposed, detect, cold case, missing person, felony, conspiracy, courtroom, clues, promotion, advertising, commercial, digital, synth, synthesizer, synthesize, techno, electronic, synthesiser, dramatic, strings, orchestra, symphony, symphonic, crossover, synth, strings, percussion

ジャンル エレクトロニカ, 劇伴
ムード 恐怖/緊張/シリアス, 神秘的/ミステリアス
カテゴリ サスペンス, ホラー/サイコ/スリラー, 犯罪/クライムドラマ
楽器 シンセサイザー, ストリング・セクション, シンセドラム
バージョン Full
トラック番号 5
楽曲の長さ 02:29
作曲家 Marten Jelsma
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005