
What I Do

Brand X Songs For Sync

[BXMS031] What I Do

What I Do (LeveR Mix)

A sparse intro slowly builds into a massive hybrid hip hop track that feature a plethora of sound design, deep basses, massive impacts, and piercing synths. Epic, aggressive, and badass.

Action, Thriller, Antihero, Massive, Epic, Pulsating, Slamming, Dark, Signature, Futuristic, Powerful, Bold, Aggressive, Smooth, Rhythmic, Confident, Grooving, Modern, Flowing, Successful, Competitive, Swaggering, Cool, Rich, Dope, Grinding, Proud, Valiant, Commanding, Dominating, Empowering, Fearless, Daring, Triumphant, Victorious, Intense, Strutting, Forceful, Unstoppable, Swag, Danger, Antihero, Antagonist, Apocalypse, Attack, Ambush, Hype, Pursuit, Chase, Hunt, Villain, War, Battle, Enemy, Combat, Swagger, Build, Tension, Climax, Countdown, Mission, Run, Escape, A Minor, Sound Design, Downers, Risers, Whooshes, Percussion, Drums, Drum Kit, Kicks, Snares, Hits, Impacts, Toms, Bass, 808 Bass, Synths, Synth Plucks, Pads, Pings, Synth Pulses

ジャンル ヒップホップ, 劇伴
ムード 恐怖/緊張/シリアス, パワフル
カテゴリ バトル, 企業VP/プロモ, スポーツ
楽器 ラップ, シンセサイザー, シンセドラム, クラップ
バージョン Inst
トラック番号 27
楽曲の長さ 01:40
作曲家 Randon Purcell
Daniel Solovitz
Michaela Penn
Chris Harris
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005