A melancholy keyboard and guitar introduce the track. A slow groove kicks in at 0:22 to propel the rhythm forward. The chords change slightly at 1:00 as mellow horn stabs enter. Cymbals enter at 1:45 after a short transition to lift the track into an instrumental chorus. Another short break creates a segue into another instrumental verse. Cymbals enter again at 2:46 for the instrumental chorus. A final chorus enters at 3:46 to take the track to a thoughtful conclusion.
Drama, Reality, Romance, Introspective, Vibey, Melancholy, Longing, Thoughtful, Searching, Romantic, Rhythmic, Lonely, Lonesome, Moody, Heartfelt, Solitary, Strolling, Calm, Warm, Mellow, Grooving, Percussive, Smooth, Modern, Chill, Relaxed, Meandering, Moving On, Depression, Hardship, Motivation, Rain, Winter, Loss, Tragedy, Friends, Family, Support, Heartbreak, Break Up, Nostalgia, Memories, Love Loss, Romance, Love, Date, Relationship, Bb Major, Bass, Drums, Drum Kit, Cymbals, Hi-Hats, Kicks, Snares, Keyboard, Keys, Rhodes, Guitars, Electric Guitar, Saxophone, Woodwinds, Brass, Trumpet, Chimes
ジャンル | ヒップホップ, R&B |
ムード | 悲しい/憂鬱, ノリの良い/ファンキー, クール/洗練された, アトモスフィアー/浮遊感 |
カテゴリ | ラウンジ/ラグジュアリー, ファッションショー |
楽器 | 男性, ラップ, エレクトリックギター, シンセドラム |
その他情報 | 夜 |
バージョン | Inst |
トラック番号 | 38 |
楽曲の長さ | 04:18 |
作曲家 | Michaela Penn Wesley Brent Ian Chris Harris Daniel Solovitz |
JASRACコード | |
テンポ | 遅い |