
Good Days

Brand X Songs For Sync

[BXMS015] Good Days

So Alive

A 60 second bumper that features bouncy keys and percussion. Positive female vocals push this combination into a punchy and fun chorus.

Drama, Comedy, Modern, Rhythmic, Lively, Building, Adventurous, Energetic, Anthemic, Soaring, Groove, Bubbly, Proud, Brave, Bold, Fearless, Empowering, Inspirational, Confident, Parading, Happy, Sailing, Exciting, Triumphant, Successful, Euphoric, Feel, Good, Floating, Inspiring, Optimistic, Motivating, Positive, Hopeful, Jovial, Youthful, Coming of Age, Breaking Free, Inspire, Empower, Rise Up, Friendship, Friends, Champion, Beating the Odds, Breaking the Chains, Making a Change, Making a Difference, Uplift, Growing Up, Overcoming Adversity, Indie, Pop, G Major, Kicks, Drums, Percussion, Piano, Drum Kit, Claps, Stomps, Snares, Shakers, Toms, Cymbals, Saxophone, Brass, Trumpet, Synths, Background Vocals, Vocals, Synth Bass, Sound Design, Risers, Guitars, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Rhodes, Vocal Effects

ジャンル ポップ
ムード 明るい/楽しい/希望, 堂々とした, ドラマティック, 壮大/パノラマ
カテゴリ 企業VP/プロモ, ランドスケープ, トラベル
楽器 女性, エレクトリックギター, エレクトリックピアノ, ブラスセクション
バージョン 60sec Bumper
トラック番号 11
楽曲の長さ 01:00
作曲家 James Joseph Mc Alister
Natalie P. Nicoles
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005