
In Love With Myself

Brand X Songs For Sync

[BXMS005] In Love With Myself

Better with You

Slow and moody guitar is joined by string plucks at 0:16 and additional guitar 0:32.? Hook at 0:45 with dramatic orchestra, bass, piano, drums and background vocals.? Hook reprise at 1:58 and song develops cinematically with strings at 2:32.

Drama, Thoughtful, Reflective, Introspective, Longing, Dramatic, Melancholy, Moody, Tense, Heavy, Soulful, Angsty, Sexy, Seductive, Attitude, Dangerous, Playful, Meandering, Groove, Sensitive, Hopeful, Empowering, Powerful, Rising, Growing, Attitude, Tough, Somber, Serious, Sleek, Cool, Twangy, Lonesome, Gritty, Epic, Sweeping, Grand, Soaring, Love, Relationship, Romance, Teamwork, Empowerment, Rising Up, Overcoming Adversity, Modern Western, E Minor, Bass, Strings, Synths, Electric Guitar, Guitar, Drums, Drum, Drum Kit, Synth, Piano, Keyboard, Background Vocal

ジャンル ポップ, 劇伴
ムード 悲しい/憂鬱, ロマンティック/メロウ
カテゴリ ヒューマン・ドラマ, ロマンス
楽器 女性, エレクトリックギター, エレクトリックピアノ, ストリング・セクション
バージョン No Lead Vocal
トラック番号 18
楽曲の長さ 03:18
作曲家 Olivia Noelle
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005