
In Love With Myself

Brand X Songs For Sync

[BXMS005] In Love With Myself

In Love with Myself

Other Version

In Love with Myself Inst #2

In Love with Myself No Lead Vocal #3

In Love with Myself No Horns #4

In Love with Myself No Percussion #5

In Love with Myself Percussion Only #6

Feel good and soulful pop groove with stick percussion, bass, piano, synths and background vocal shouts are joined by upbeat female vocal at 0:08.? Uplifting chorus at 0:33 with horns.? Reprise of chorus at 1:18 and at 1:41 a bridge section that comes back into final chorus section at 1:52. ?

Comedy, Fun, Bright, Cheerful, Hopeful, Sunny, Inspiring, Confident, Attitude, Groove, Soulful, Uplifting, Feel good, Positive, Optimistic, Happy, Youthful, Sassy, Motivating, Inspirational, Playful, Coming Of Age, Confidence, Breaking Free, Strut, Dance, Stroll, Young, Growing Up, Acceptance, Self Empowerment, Party, F Major, Bass, Drums, Drum Kit, Snare, Hat, Electric Guitar, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Guitars, Vocals, Lead Vocals, Synth, Piano, Keyboard, Organ, Synths, Background Vocal, Brass, Horns

ジャンル エレクトロポップ
ムード 明るい/楽しい/希望, ノリの良い/ファンキー
カテゴリ 企業VP/プロモ, インフォマーシャル/ショッピング
楽器 女性, アコースティックギター, エレクトリックピアノ, シンセドラム
バージョン Full (Vocal)
トラック番号 1
楽曲の長さ 02:18
作曲家 Olivia Noelle
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005