
Ready Set Go!

Brand X Production Music

[BXM660] Ready Set Go!

Clubhouse Swagger

A snappy trap drum kit and busy 808 basses create a bouncy, unique, and partying groove. Strutting, punchy, and fun.

Reality, Drama, Partying, Competitive, Swaggering, Fun, Punchy, Strutting, Muscular, Macho, Attitude, Forceful, Unstoppable, Aggressive, Smooth, Groove, Rhythmic, Confident, Grooving, Modern, Flowing, Successful, Cool, Rich, Wealthy, Dope, Grinding, Proud, Valiant, Commanding, Dominating, Bold, Sassy, Gutsy, Fearless, Daring, Triumphant, Victorious, Party, Joke, Laugh, Swagger, Action Sports, Hype, Sitcom, Reality, Life, Game, Sports, Event, Excitement, Rally, Friends, Summer, Club, Strut, B Minor, Bass, 808 Bass, Sound Design, Risers, Downers, Percussion, Drums, Hits, Impacts, Kicks, Sticks, Drum Kit, Cymbals

ジャンル サウンドトラック/トレイラー
ムード ノリの良い/ファンキー, クール/洗練された
カテゴリ 企業VP/プロモ, ストリート, ゲーム
楽器 シンセボイス, サクソフォン, シンセドラム, クラップ
バージョン Percussion Bass and Effects
トラック番号 52
楽曲の長さ 00:38
作曲家 Danijel Grubovic
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005