
Documentary Moods

Textured Production Music

[TEX1016] Documentary Moods

Cycle Of Awakening

Busily evolving, cycling, awakening. Energetic circular piano pattern builds with majestic strings and brass to lush, ascending finale. Edit 1:20.

acoustic, organic, tonal, calm, building, underscore, elegant, hopeful, reflective, cinematic, positive, nature, emotional, human interest, promo, drama, orchestral, film score, calming, still, laid back, soothing, laid-back, relaxed, gentle, gently, soft, mild, increasing, build, rising, crescendo, rise, bed, sparse, minimalistic, soundscape, background, fancy, high society, expectant, introspective, contemplate, contemplative, thoughtful, pondering, wondering, sentimental, pensive, motivate, motivating, motivation, up, upbeat, convincing, optimism, optimistic, uplifting, motivational, bright, favorable, favourable, wood, woody, woodsy, natural, green, forest, woods, mountain, mountains, lake, sky, earthy, outdoors, affecting, moving, touching, promotion, advertising, commercial, dramatic, strings, orchestra, symphony, symphonic, film music, movie soundtrack, background score, piano, strings, brass

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード 明るい/楽しい/希望, 温かい/のどかな/ノスタルジック
カテゴリ ヒューマン・ドラマ, ロマンス, ランドスケープ
楽器 アコースティックピアノ, ストリング・セクション, ブラスセクション, パーカッション
バージョン 15sec
トラック番号 72
楽曲の長さ 00:17
作曲家 Christian Schlumpf
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005