
Reflective Pulses

Catapult Music

[CAT1194] Reflective Pulses

A Hopeful Goodbye

Easy, ethereal positivity with gentle momentum. Opening hit seems foreboding, then crossfades to delicate piano. Edit 1:05, rebuilds into second half.

percussive, organic, pulsing, calm, light, underscore, heartwarming, hopeful, inspiring, reflective, ambient, peaceful, positive, ethereal, mysterious, hypnotic, emotional, promo, drama, film score, hybrid, percussion, rhythmic, rhythm, calming, still, laid back, soothing, laid-back, relaxed, gentle, gently, soft, mild, reduced, mellow, bed, sparse, minimalistic, soundscape, background, warm, heart, heartfelt, heart warming, expectant, inspired, inspiration, inspire, encourage, encouraging, inspirational, introspective, contemplate, contemplative, thoughtful, pondering, wondering, sentimental, pensive, chill, peace, zen, content, bliss, blissful, contented, motivate, motivating, motivation, up, upbeat, convincing, optimism, optimistic, uplifting, motivational, bright, favorable, favourable, atmosphere, atmospheric, spacey, spaced out, cosmic, angelic, spherical, unknown, whodoneit, mystery, mystique, mesmerize, hypnotize, mesmerizing, affecting, moving, touching, promotion, advertising, commercial, dramatic, film music, movie soundtrack, background score, crossover, piano, pads, synth textures

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード 明るい/楽しい/希望, 未来的, アトモスフィアー/浮遊感
カテゴリ 企業VP/プロモ, サイエンス
楽器 アコースティックピアノ, シンセサイザー, シンセドラム
バージョン 30sec
トラック番号 67
楽曲の長さ 00:36
作曲家 Nathan Michael Connelly
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005