
Factual Ambiences 1

Time-ticker. Minimalist, pulsing, repetitive synth and ticking pulses create a feeling of time passing. Great for factual inserts, investigative journalism and game shows.

General Underscore, Factual Underscore, Minimalist, Ambience, sparse, pulsing, factual, neutral, ticking, focused, concentrated, minimalist, subtle, reduced, time-passing, motion, affairs, matters, inserts, general, news, underscores, background, suspense, tension, TV, broadcast, journalism, reports, evidence, reportage, coverage, insights, considerations, questions, reporter, documentary, human, social, issues, problems, concerns, crisis, truth, true, story, facts, science, scientific, analytics, data, theory, research, reality, involvement, imposture, revelations, concentration, game show, thinking, urgency, decisions, informative, soundscape, minimalism, textures, pulses, beds, ticker, clockwork, Synthesizer, Ticker

ジャンル エレクトロニカ, 劇伴
ムード 恐怖/緊張/シリアス, 神秘的/ミステリアス
カテゴリ サスペンス, 犯罪/クライムドラマ
楽器 シンセベース, シンセサイザー
その他情報 刑事,
バージョン Time-Ticker
トラック番号 24
楽曲の長さ 02:15
作曲家 John Goldham
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005