
Songbook 9


[TWPM058] Songbook 9

It Was Love

ROMANTIC, INSPIRATIONAL, EMOTIONAL, STRONG, DYNAMIC, LOVE, MELODIC, CATCHY, FESTIVAL, RADIO Uplifting and catchy glam pop rock song with passionate and powerful female vocals, massive synths and driving beats.

pop, pop rock, glam rock, rock, rock pop, futuristic, cool, crystalline, fresh, luminous, beautiful, catchy, delicate, gentle, elegant, friendly, lush, melodic, pretty, honest, trustful, chilled, laid-back, lazy, mellow, confident, determined, emotional, evocative, heartfelt, introspective, reflective, sentimental, dreamy, bright, carefree, euphoric, feelgood, free, frisky, happy, cheerful, heart-warming, light-hearted, playful, optimistic, satisfied, vital, warm, dynamic, energetic, propulsive, wild, cheeky, naughty, strong, brave, powerful, proud, horny, swagger, provocative, sexy, cuddly, heartbroken, intimate, loving, passionate, romantic, moody, nostalgic, wistful, intelligent, smart, fashion, leisure, light activity, friend, friends, youth, youths, party, inspirational, motivational, uplifting, TV, television, singer, song, lyrics, colourful, storytelling, movie, commercial, catchy, youth, teenagers, teens, dance, fun, radio-friendly, bass, electric bass, bass drum, cymbals, drum rolls, drums, electronic percussions, snare drum, rock band, pop band, distorted guitar, electric guitar, guitar, keyboards, acoustic piano, piano, synthesizer, pads, female vocal, vocals

ジャンル ポップ, ロック
ムード 悲しい/憂鬱
カテゴリ ヒューマン・ドラマ, ロマンス
楽器 バンド, 女性, エレクトリックギター, シンセサイザー
バージョン Inst
トラック番号 15
楽曲の長さ 02:22
作曲家 Csaba Faltay
Gabor Bruzsa
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005