
Varencia 2


[EDENECD011] Varencia 2

The Fable for Friend of the Night 2

Light and motivating soundscape. Orchestral, featuring harp, flute and percussions.

Music score, orchestral, calm, serene, tranquil, smooth, peaceful, soothing, relaxing, calming, leisure, lifestyle, easy listening, feel good, light positive, optimistic, easy listening, adventure movies, panorama, scenic, wide open spaces, landscapes, travel, journey, road movies, animation films, story time and fantasy, storytelling, fairy tale, children, relevant to children, children movies, children TV series, hopeful, tender, gentle, kind, mellow, melodic, carefree, uplifting, motivating, romantic, love, romantic movies, romance, sentimental movies, sound elements atmosphere, airy, celestial, floating, ambient, ethereal, flowing, flying, magical, dreamy, fantasy movies, fantasy adventure, medium tempo, orchestral, harp, percussions, SFX, flute

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード 温かい/のどかな/ノスタルジック, 神秘的/ミステリアス
カテゴリ ファンタジー, アニメ/カートゥーン
楽器 ハープ, フルート, 太鼓, タンバリン/トライアングル/カスタネット
バージョン 60sec
トラック番号 21
楽曲の長さ 01:00
作曲家 Alexandra Edin
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005