Restless atmosphere, light and mysterious. Featuring lute, strings, voice and flute.
Music score, Trailer, melodic, mysterious, moody, haunting, questioning, disturbing, tension, suspense, tender, gentle, kind, mellow, light positive, optimistic, easy listening, airy, celestial, floating, ambient, ethereal, flowing, flying, animation films, sound elements atmosphere, calm, serene, tranquil, smooth, peaceful, graceful, classy, sophisticated, panorama, scenic, wide open spaces, landscapes, romantic, love, romantic movies, romance, sentimental movies, nature, land, earth, story time and fantasy, storytelling, fairy tale, contemplative, reflective, thoughtful, pensive, patient, expectation, wait, space, hopeful, contemplative, reflective, thoughtful, pensive, fantasy movies, fantasy adventure, adventure movies, travel, journey, road movies, exciting, upbeat, optimistic, lively, uplifting, medium tempo, lute, strings, percussions, voice, flute, electric guitar
ジャンル | 中東-アラブ音楽, 劇伴 |
ムード | 神秘的/ミステリアス |
カテゴリ | ミステリー/超常現象, トラベル |
楽器 | 合唱/聖歌隊, エレクトリックギター, ストリング・セクション, その他-民族楽器 - 弦楽器 |
その他情報 |
バージョン | Full |
トラック番号 | 30 |
楽曲の長さ | 02:41 |
作曲家 | Emmanuelle Hildebert |
JASRACコード | |
テンポ | 遅い |