

Brand X Production Music

[BXM652] Synthtopia

Ready Players Go

Other Version

Ready Players Go No Vocals #32

Ready Players Go No Guitar #33

Iconic-sounding synth chords and a percolating synth arpeggio introduce the track. Hi-hats and bass enter to push the track towards a punchy tom fill and into the main groove at 0:31. This exciting combination continues as tasty electric guitar licks hover atop the synths and drum kit. Another riser leads to a floating section with vocals, synth bells, and more guitar at 1:32. The main groove returns at 2:00 to drive the track towards a triumphant finish.

Groove Playlists: GRsports

Electronic, Sci-Fi, Drama, Adventure, Uplifting, Hopeful, Happy, Joyous, Blissful, Feel Good, Exciting, Celebratory, Winning, Victorious, Sailing, Fun, Driving, Retro, Vintage, Iconic, Spacey, Futuristic, Nostalgic, Dreamy, Euphoric, Electronic, Tight, Upbeat, Grooving, Percussive, Rhythmic, Lively, Relentless, Spirited, Adventurous, Cool, Youthful, Homecoming, Victory, Win, Triumph, Champion, Nostalgia, Arcade, Video Game, Technology, Future, Sci-Fi, Club, Bar, Night, Cruise, Neon, Lights, Catwalk, Runway, Wrap Up, Throwback, Dance, D Major, Drums, Percussion, Hi-Hats, Toms, Snares, Kicks, Drum Kit, Cymbals, Bass, Synths, Sound Design, Risers, Downers, Reverses, Guitars, Electric Guitar, Pads, Synth Pulses, Synth Plucks, Vocals, Synth Bells

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード 明るい/楽しい/希望, アトモスフィアー/浮遊感, レトロ
カテゴリ サイエンスフィクション, テクノロジー, 80年代
楽器 エレクトリックギター, シンセベース, シンセサイザー, シンセドラム
その他情報 シンセウェイヴ,
バージョン Full
トラック番号 31
楽曲の長さ 03:18
作曲家 Tom Gire
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005