

Brand X Trailer Music

[BXMT005] Chronos

Into The Light

High harmonics and subtle piano chords set the mood of this beautiful adagio. String swells support the pianos first statement of the round. Warm and lush strings take over this already familiar tune at :58. Next come the brass and high strings at 1:29 accented with powerful percussive crescendos. The round grows and grows, adding horns and choir until final crescendo at 2:21.

Drama, Sweeping, Emerging, Growing, Sentimental, Heroic, Grand, Monumental, Sad, Soaring, Melancholy, Contemplative, Uplifting, Epic, Poignant, Beautiful, Important, Hopeful, Noble, Thoughtful, Conquering, Triumphant, Lush, Adagio, Emotional, Ascending, Anthemic, Elevating, Moving, Courageous, Powerful, Rising, Motivating, Overcoming, C Minor, Orchestral, Love, Loss, Remember, Nostalgia, Journey, Quest, Homecoming, End of Journey, Eulogy, Battle Aftermath, Death, Fantasy World, Nature, Transformation, Taking Flight, Saga, Historical Event,, Piano, Strings, Pianos, Brass, Horns, Choir

ジャンル サウンドトラック/トレイラー
ムード 温かい/のどかな/ノスタルジック, 悲しい/憂鬱, ドラマティック, 壮大/パノラマ
カテゴリ エピック, ヒューマン・ドラマ, その他-映画/ドラマ
楽器 フルオーケストラ, 合唱/聖歌隊, アコースティックピアノ
バージョン No Rhythm
トラック番号 48
楽曲の長さ 02:55
作曲家 Christopher Field
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005