
Terror Lab Volume 2

Brand X Trailer Music

[BXM033] Terror Lab Volume 2

Murderers And Lunatics

Keep running straight and don't look back. Clocks and pulses combine with spine-chilling hits and stingers. Huge blasts and alarms enter at :22. Synth effects join the supernatural orchestra complete the vortex of doom. Be careful, he's right around the corner!

Horror, Sci-Fi, Intense, Anxiety, Suspenseful, Menacing, Approaching, Rising, Bombastic, Gloomy, Sinister, Huge, Dangerous, Dark, Chasing, Frightening, Disturbed, Building, Powerful, Scary, Ticking, Threatening, Panic, Nervous, Evil, Terrifying, Apocalyptic, Deadly, Ominous, Rhythmic, Creepy, Tense, E Major, Musical Sound Design, Chase, Murder, Killer, Crime, Criminal, Pyscho, Pyschopath, Prey, Hunt, Stalk, Kill,, Clocks, Pulses, Hits, Synths, Orchestra, Clock, Sound Design

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード 恐怖/緊張/シリアス
カテゴリ ミステリー/超常現象, ホラー/サイコ/スリラー
楽器 シンセサイザー, シンセドラム, その他-SE/FX
バージョン Full
トラック番号 12
楽曲の長さ 01:45
作曲家 Abderraouf Djeffel
Samuel Sharif Music
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005