


[TWPM019] Transcontinental

Balkan Dubstep

Other Version

Balkan Dubstep Underscore #14

Balkan Dubstep 60sec #15

Balkan Dubstep 60sec Underscore #16

Balkan Dubstep 30sec #17

Balkan Dubstep 30sec Underscore #18

WORLD, TRAVEL, PERCUSSION, TENSE, DRAMATIC, ETHNIC, TOUGH, DETERMINED, MYSTERIOUS, AMAZING Aggressive and ominous action dubstep with Balkan violin and soprano saxophone

world music, electronic, tension bed, suspense bed, dubstep, world beat, European, film score, soundtrack, trailer, atmospheric, futuristic, airy, cloudy, cool, earthy, fresh, organic, slick, majestic, honest, dignified, prestigious, lazy, confident, determined, adventurous, devastated, distressed, serious, aggressive, bold, doomed, dramatic, tough, melodramatic, momentous, strident, hard hitting, strong, tormented, evocative, heartfelt, honest, sentimental, solemn, hopeful, poignant, dreamy, fantasy, bright, expectation, heart-warming, frisky, light-hearted, dynamic, energetic, rowdy, strong, fearless, brave, powerful, firm, decisive, rebellious, gritty, heroic, uncompromising, relentless, patriotic, proud, heartbroken, abandoned, troubled, moody, sorrowful, regretful, ugly, bleak, depressed, melancholy, sad, tragic, wistful, lonely, pessimistic,, fashion, celebrity, holiday, leisure, anticipation, obsessive, cautious, dangerous, sinister, anxious, uneasy, intense, menacing, ominous, tense, Balkan, east Europe, Albania, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, world, electronic, travel, world music, global, globetrotter, cooking, kitchen, ethnic, electronica, world traveller, traveller, voyage, adventure, globe-trotting, tour, trip, flying, synthesizer, ethnic, electronic, percussion, drums, violin, dubstep, ominous, Balkan, mysterious, tragic, melancholic, dark, harmonica, wobble, wub, dramatic, drama, ethno, world, documentary, harmonica, bass, synth bass, bass drum, bongo, cymbals, drum machine, drum rolls, drums, electronic percussions, ethnic percussions, hand percussions, percussion, snare drum, ethnic instruments, ethnic percussions, gypsy violin, darbuka, accordion, keyboards, synthesizer, arpeggiator, pads, electronics, soprano saxophone

ジャンル ダブステップ, エレクトロニカ, 中東-アラブ音楽
ムード ノリの良い/ファンキー, 神秘的/ミステリアス
カテゴリ アクション, バトル, スポーツ, トラベル
楽器 シンセサイザー, サクソフォン, シンセドラム, タブラ (インド)
バージョン Full
トラック番号 1
楽曲の長さ 03:29
作曲家 Gabor Bruzsa
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005