
Olympic TV Toolbox


[TWPM011] Olympic TV Toolbox

Almost Famous

Other Version

Almost Famous No SFX #93

Almost Famous 60sec #94

Almost Famous 60sec No SFX #95

Almost Famous 30sec #96

Almost Famous 30sec No SFX #97

POSITIVE, FUN, KIDS, RACE, FREAKY, LOOSER, ZANY, PLAYFUL, FUNNY, CHEEKY Comedy like, quirky lead melody with electronic drums and crowd cheer sounds

electronic, dubstep, downtempo, fanfares, ceremonial, futuristic, cool, fresh, luminous, glossy, slick, catchy, elegant, friendly, melodic, sophisticated, glorious, majestic, aristocratic, honest, dignified, epic, prestigious, celebratory, confident, shocking, adventurous, bold, tough, melodramatic, momentous, strident, hard hitting, strong, emotional, evocative, heartfelt, honest, hopeful, sentimental, stirring, fantasy, bright, exhilarating, childlike, euphoric, feelgood, expectation, free, frisky, cheerful, heart-warming, light-hearted, playful, positive, optimistic, satisfied, vital, warm, dynamic, energetic, rowdy, cheeky, naughty, comical, humorous, drunken, funny, quirky, whimsical, eccentric, zany, freaky, strong, achievement, fearless, brave, powerful, firm, decisive, rebellious, gritty, heroic, uncompromising, relentless, patriotic, proud, victorious, moody, disappointed, melancholy, pained, nostalgic, wistful, intelligent, kids, fashion, celebrity, holiday, leisure, intense, uplifting, bizarre, disturbing, strange, weird, mad, crazy, obsessive, looser, sport, unsuccessful, promo, race, sports, advertising, television, TV, adrenaline, Olympics, champions, heroes, sporting, fun, kids, quirky, electronic, comedy, promo, race, sports, advertising, television, TV, adrenaline, Olympics, champions, heroes, sporting, soccer, football, bass, synth bass, bass drum, cymbals, drum rolls, drums, snare drum, distorted guitar, electric guitar, guitar, keyboards, synthesizer, electronics, programmed drums, bass, synthesizer

ジャンル ダブステップ, 劇伴
ムード 明るい/楽しい/希望, パワフル
カテゴリ 企業VP/プロモ, スポーツ, オリンピック, 式典
楽器 シンセベース, シンセサイザー, シンセドラム, その他-SE/FX
バージョン Full
トラック番号 17
楽曲の長さ 01:26
作曲家 Gabor Bruzsa
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005