BRIGHT, MOTIVATIONAL, ROBOT, HAPPY, FUNNY, POSITIVE, OPTIMISTIC, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, UPLIFTING, Airy d&b groove with acoustic guitar and Rhodes chords featuring catchy FM synth guitar melody
breakbeat, drum & bass, electronica, electronic music, atmospheric, abstract, angular, futuristic, contemporary, science, technology, airy, cold, cool, crystalline, earthy, fresh, luminous, snow, sunshine, rain, glossy, slick, beautiful, catchy, delicate, gentle, innocent, elegant, friendly, melodic, pretty, sophisticated, chilled, peaceful, calm, relaxed, emotional, evocative, promising, hopeful, introspective, sentimental, dreamy, magical, bright, exhilarating, carefree, childlike, feelgood, expectation, free, frisky, happy, cheerful, heart-warming, light-hearted, playful, positive, optimistic, satisfied, vital, warm, dynamic, energetic, enthusiastic, exciting, funny, quirky, sentimental, simple, neutral, sparse, intelligent, smart, witty, family, home, kids, leisure, light activity, light, smooth, soft, inspirational, motivational, uplifting, synth, synthesizer, computer, engineering, positive, innovation, micro, tiny, hi-tech, technology, innovation, science, modern, robot, electronic, electronica, digital, data, telecommunication, sci-fi, future, futuristic, robotic, laboratory, TV, documentary, artificial intelligence, internet, bed, data, hi tech, mechanics, gadget, information, machine, machines, background, engineering, creative, design, cyber, bass, synth bass, drum machine, electronic percussions, acoustic guitar, guitar, keyboards, electric piano, fender rhodes, synthesizer, pads, electronics, programmed drums, synthesizer, Rhodes, electric piano, acoustic guitar
ジャンル | ドラムンベース, エレクトロニカ |
ムード | 温かい/のどかな/ノスタルジック, ノリの良い/ファンキー |
カテゴリ | アクション, サイエンスフィクション, 犯罪/クライムドラマ, テクノロジー |
楽器 | アコースティックギター, エレクトリックピアノ, シンセサイザー, シンセドラム |
その他情報 |
バージョン | Underscore |
トラック番号 | 79 |
楽曲の長さ | 03:45 |
作曲家 | Csaba Faltay |
JASRACコード | |
テンポ | 普通 |