Dark, tense and unnerving. Sequenced fast pulsing Moog sounds rise and evolve with ominous filters and added noise. Machine-like structures create tension, unease and emergency.
Tension Underscore, Ambient, Sound Design, dark, tense, nervous, unnerving, obscure, bizarre, driving, edgy, busy, urgent, urgency, restless, panic, throbbing, emergency, alarm, hectic, gritty, dangerous, menacing, threatening, fast, rising, tension, tensed, strange, intense, suspense, threat, pulsating, pulsing, rhythmic, motion, futuristic, electronica, sequenced, textures, evolving, building, electronics, synthesizer, sound design, soundscape, FX, modern, contemporary, anxious, panicked, danger, underscores, film, TV, movie, documentary, science, science fiction, sci-fi, action, thriller, reality, technology, machines, engines, terrifying, paranoid, horror, abstruse, nightmare, nightmarish, suspect, suspicious, criminal, crime, spy, espionage, haunted man, psycho, killer, murder, homicide, sabotage, helicopter, military, war, conflict, assault, aggressive, aggression, attack, Synthesizer, Moog, Sound Design
ジャンル | エレクトロニカ, 劇伴 |
ムード | 恐怖/緊張/シリアス, 神秘的/ミステリアス |
カテゴリ | サイエンスフィクション, ミステリー/超常現象, 犯罪/クライムドラマ |
楽器 | シンセサイザー, エフェクト |
その他情報 |
バージョン | Full |
トラック番号 | 3 |
楽曲の長さ | 01:37 |
作曲家 | Dolph Albright |
JASRACコード | |
テンポ | 普通 |