
Dreams Of Glory

American Music Company

[AM175] Dreams Of Glory

Greatness for All

Other Version

Greatness for All 60sec #30

Greatness for All 30sec #45

Greatness for All 15sec #60

Greatness for All Sting #75

Dignified, honorable and uplifting theme for accomplishment and triumph

Groove Playlists: GR壮大-祝典-お祝い-力強い-偉大-勝利-ヒーロー-英雄

Bold, Powerful, Strong, Corporate, Inspirational, Dramatic, Adventure, Epic, Industrial, Heroic, Encouraging, Americana, Moving, Sweeping, Triumphant, Grand, News, Inspiring, Brave, Regal, Touching, Motivational, Majestic, Proud, Noble, Stirring, Adventurous, Grandiose, Patriotic, Ceremonial, Rousing, Glorious, Stimulating, Panoramic, Olympic, Wondrous, Fearless, Important, Olympics, Honor, Courageous, Larger Than Life, Momentous, Gallant, Wonderful, Amazing, Awesome, Dignity, Theatrical, Dignified, Valiant, Industry, Politics, Impressive, Awe-Inspiring, Financial, Awe Inspiring, Awards, Award, Olympian, Splendid, Institutional, Institution, Outstanding, Paramount, Full Orchestra, Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Harp, Timpani, Shaker, Snare Drum, Cymbals, Tubular Bells, Glockenspiel

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード 明るい/楽しい/希望, 温かい/のどかな/ノスタルジック, 堂々とした
カテゴリ アドベンチャー, ファンタジー, エピック
楽器 フルオーケストラ, ブラスセクション, 鉄琴/ヴィブラフォン, スネアドラム
バージョン Full
トラック番号 15
楽曲の長さ 04:02
作曲家 Tim Quick
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005