
Swag Beats

The Funky Junkies

[TFJ047] Swag Beats

Bag Of Sand

Fruity synth mallets bouncing with cheering vocals and fizzy synth stabs.

Club Hip Hop!, beach, sunshine, party, hip hop, yoof, youth, teenage, promo, lifestyle, bouncy, cheerful, cheery, chipper, chirpy, lively, perky, peppy, sparky, upbeat, living it up, fizzing, full of fun, energetic, sporty, full of beans, perky, bouncy, lively, active, animated, brisk, dynamic, running, vital, vivacious, urgent, cool, right on, trendy, hip, with it, on trend, in the know, in the zone, vibey, wicked, sick, bass, synth, beats vox, medium, fastish, 2000s, 2010s, club hip hop, 150bpm, medium, fastish, tfj047, swag beats, Bass, Synth, Beats Vocals,

ジャンル ヒップホップ, 劇伴
ムード ノリの良い/ファンキー, クール/洗練された
カテゴリ 犯罪/クライムドラマ, ストリート
楽器 男性, ラップ, シンセサイザー, 木琴
バージョン Basic Mix
トラック番号 132
楽曲の長さ 01:43
作曲家 Ty Frankel
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005