
Light Documentary Textures

The Funky Junkies

[TFJ035] Light Documentary Textures

The Twilight People

Choral intro leads to eerie soundscape of beats and

Uplifting Documentary and Drama, electronic, doco, documentary, horror, drama, weird, curious, eccentric, eerie, freaky, haunting, mysterious, magical, occult, peculiar, queer, strange, supernatural, bizarre, esoteric, odd, spine chilling, spooky, unnerving, ghastly, haunted, phantasmal, phantom, shadowy, spectral, supernatural, unearthly, fear, fearful, ungodly, deathly, ghoulish, spooky, odd, strange, bizarre, scary, frightening, terrifying, fright, terror, alarming, bloodcurdling, hair raising, horror, horrendous, horrifying, shocking, gruesome, fearsome, petrifying, petrified, weird, spine chilling, spooky, unnerving, ghastly, haunted, haunting, phantasmal, phantom, shadowy, spectral, supernatural, unearthly, fear, fearful, ungodly, deathly, ghoulish, spooky, odd, strange, bizarre, bleak, barren, austere, bare, chilly, cold, desolate, deserted, desolate, sparse, stark, void, cutting, freezing, depressing, dismal, dispiriting, doleful, gloomy, lugubrious, mournful, ominous, sad, comfortless, dejected, forlorn, jarring, joyless, woeful, morose, wretched, lonely, melancholy, miserable, misery, saturnine, elegiac, slowish, 2010s, uplifting documentary and drama, 70bpm,vibraphone, bells, synth, synths, strings,

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード 恐怖/緊張/シリアス, 神秘的/ミステリアス
カテゴリ サスペンス, ミステリー/超常現象, ホラー/サイコ/スリラー
楽器 シンセボイス, シンセサイザー, シンセドラム
その他情報 足音,
バージョン Basic Mix
トラック番号 152
楽曲の長さ 03:46
作曲家 Gavin Griffiths
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005