
Dark Documentary Textures

Rolling deep percussion intro with a touch of hope.

Dark Documentary, Drama and Films., electronic, world, doco, documentary, filmic, uplifting, optimistic, moving on, moving on up, moving forwards, looking up, looking forwards, upbeat, empowering, elevate, elevating, inspire, inspiring, inspirational, boost, boost up, cheering, cheerful, elate, lift up, lift spirits, elated, improve, improving, getting better, raising spirits, raising morale, morale boost, perk up, enlightening, heartwarming, life affirming, joyous, joyful, win, winning, subtle, nice, quiet, refined, sophisticated, understated, airy, elegant, graceful, subdued, restrained, toned down, genteel, sad, unhappy, depressed, bereaved, blue, cheerless, dejected, despair, despairing, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, distressed, doleful, down, down in the dumps, down in the mouth, downcast, forlorn, gloomy, glum, grief stricken, grieving, grief, heartbroken, heartsick, heavyhearted, hurt, hurting, in doldrums, languish, languishing, low, low spirits, lugubrious, melancholy, mourn, mournful, mourning, out of sorts, pensive, pessimistic, sombre, sorrow, sorrowful, sorry, troubled, weep, weeping, wistful, woebegone, woe, cry, crying, regret, regretful, crestfallen, disconsolate, upset, dispiriting, distress, distressing, dreary, black, cheerless, comfortless, discouraging, disheartening, dismal, dreary, hopeless, joyless, lonely, austere, desolate, woebegone, abject, blue, despondent, inconsolable, bummed out, dashed, bleak, hopeless, pessimistic, futile, lamentable, lament, weary, tragic, affecting, poignant, touching, emotional, demoralised, poor, pity, pitiful, suffer, suffering, reflective, solemn, meaningful, thoughtful, tender, medium, 2010s, bpm, synths, synth, acoustic,

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード 明るい/楽しい/希望, アトモスフィアー/浮遊感, ドラマティック
カテゴリ アドベンチャー, エピック, 自然
楽器 シンセベース, シンセサイザー, パーカッション, その他-民族楽器 - 弦楽器
バージョン Bed Mix
トラック番号 159
楽曲の長さ 01:41
作曲家 Matthew Argyle
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005