
Dark Documentary Textures

Unsettling chords via mournful orchestra tune up.

Dark Documentary, Drama and Films., orchestral, doco, documentary, drama, filmic, bleak, barren, austere, bare, chilly, cold, desolate, deserted, desolate, sparse, stark, void, cutting, freezing, depressing, dismal, dispiriting, doleful, gloomy, lugubrious, mournful, ominous, sad, comfortless, dejected, forlorn, jarring, joyless, woeful, morose, wretched, lonely, melancholy, miserable, misery, saturnine, elegiac, sad, unhappy, depressed, bereaved, blue, cheerless, dejected, despair, despairing, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, distressed, doleful, down, down in the dumps, down in the mouth, downcast, forlorn, gloomy, glum, grief stricken, grieving, grief, heartbroken, heartsick, heavyhearted, hurt, hurting, in doldrums, languish, languishing, low, low spirits, lugubrious, melancholy, mourn, mournful, mourning, out of sorts, pensive, pessimistic, sombre, sorrow, sorrowful, sorry, troubled, weep, weeping, wistful, woebegone, woe, cry, crying, regret, regretful, crestfallen, disconsolate, upset, dispiriting, distress, distressing, dreary, black, cheerless, comfortless, discouraging, disheartening, dismal, dreary, hopeless, joyless, lonely, austere, desolate, woebegone, abject, blue, despondent, inconsolable, bummed out, dashed, bleak, hopeless, pessimistic, futile, lamentable, lament, weary, tragic, affecting, poignant, touching, emotional, demoralised, poor, pity, pitiful, suffer, suffering, reflective, solemn, meaningful, thoughtful, tender, weird, curious, eccentric, eerie, freaky, haunting, mysterious, magical, occult, peculiar, queer, strange, supernatural, bizarre, esoteric, odd, spine chilling, spooky, unnerving, ghastly, haunted, phantasmal, phantom, shadowy, spectral, supernatural, unearthly, fear, fearful, ungodly, deathly, ghoulish, spooky, odd, strange, bizarre, zilch, 2010s, bpm, synths, synth, clarinet,

ジャンル アンビエント, 劇伴
ムード 神秘的/ミステリアス, アトモスフィアー/浮遊感
カテゴリ ミステリー/超常現象, ホラー/サイコ/スリラー, ドローン
楽器 シンセサイザー, その他-民族楽器 - 管楽器
バージョン 30sec
トラック番号 49
楽曲の長さ 00:30
作曲家 Matthew Argyle
テンポ 変速
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005