
It's a Conspiracy!

The Funky Junkies

[TFJ018] It's a Conspiracy!

Tent Cities

Other Version

Tent Cities Bed Mix #225

Tent Cities Basic Mix #226

Tent Cities 30sec #227

Tent Cities Sting 1 #228

Tent Cities Sting 2 #229

Tent Cities Sting 3 #230

People on the streets, homeless ... is this really 21c life?

Empty Soundtrack, 90bpm, It's a Conspiracy!, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, bleak, barren, austere, bare, chilly, cold, desolate, deserted, sparse, stark, void, cutting, freezing, depressing, dismal, dispiriting, doleful, gloomy, lugubrious, mournful, ominous, sad, comfortless, dejected, forlorn, jarring, joyless, woeful, morose, wretched, lonely, melancholy, miserable, misery, saturnine, elegiac, mellow, relaxed, easy, easy going, rounded, smooth, soft, sweet, benign, obliging, pleasant, agreeable, amiable, concordant, cordial, empathic, harmonious, sympathetic, understanding, congenial, congruous, favourable, amenable, laid back, serene, tranquil, soothing, posh, luxurious, chic, classy, elegant, exclusive, refined, sophisticated, culture, cultured, tasteful, clever, produced, profound, deep, eloquent, unhappy, depressed, bereaved, blue, cheerless, despair, despairing, despondent, disconsolate, distressed, down, down in the dumps, down in the mouth, downcast, glum, grief stricken, grieving, grief, heartbroken, heartsick, heavyhearted, hurt, hurting, in dol languish, languishing, low, low spirits, mourn, mourning, out of sorts, pensive, pessimistic, sombre, sorrow, sorrowful, sorry, troubled, weep, weeping, wistful, woebegone, woe, cry, crying, regret, regretful, crestfallen, upset, distress, distressing, dreary, black, discouraging, disheartening, hopeless, abject, inconsolable, bummed out, dashed, futile, lamentable, lament, weary, tragic, affecting, poignant, touching, emotional, demoralised, poor, pity, pitiful, suffer, suffering, reflective, solemn, meaningful, thoughtful, tender, subtle, nice, quiet, understated, airy, graceful, subdued, restrained, toned down, genteel, downbeat, shady, shadowy, stygian, arcane, cryptic, enigmatic, esoteric, mysterious, mystic, mystical, grim, foreboding, morbid, forbidding, frowning, glowering, threatening, moody, depression, downhearted, pessimism, defeatist, defeated, negative, feeling blue, in the dol abject, brooding, bummed, discouraged, disheartened, droopy, self pity, heavy hearted, slowish, n/a, filmic, trailer, promo, primetime, doco, drama, electric, synth, synths,

ジャンル アンビエント, 劇伴
ムード 悲しい/憂鬱, クール/洗練された
カテゴリ ヒューマン・ドラマ
楽器 エレクトリックギター, シンセベース, アコースティックピアノ, シンセサイザー
その他情報 ドキュメンタリー,
バージョン Full
トラック番号 224
楽曲の長さ 01:43
作曲家 Mad Axe
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005