
Energy Buzz

The Funky Junkies

[TFJ016] Energy Buzz

Jitter Thing

Bouncy breaks and 8-bit for a boogie with the fidgety kids!

Groovy 8 Bit!, 128bpm, Energy Buzz, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, big beat, 8 bit, house, bouncy, fun, quirky, energetic, rolling, crazy, buzzy, beaty, beats, sports, youth, kids, primetime, promo, fastish, cheerful, cheery, chipper, chirpy, lively, perky, peppy, sparky, upbeat, living it up, full of beans, effervescent, fizzing, full of fun, sporty, active, animated, brisk, dynamic, kinetic, running, tireless, vigorous, vital, vivacious, urgent, amusing, enjoy, enjoyable, entertain, entertaining, merry, cheering, engaging, humorous, humour, jocular, witty, party, partying, life and soul, left field, odd, off the wall, out of the ordinary, peculiar, outre, unconventional, unorthodox, unusual, curious, kooky, different, queer, kitsch, unique, electronic, electro, electronica, pop, breaks, yoof, bass, synth

ジャンル エレクトロポップ
ムード ノリの良い/ファンキー, クール/洗練された
カテゴリ テクノロジー, スポーツ
楽器 エレクトリックギター, シンセベース, シンセサイザー, シンセドラム
バージョン 30sec
トラック番号 216
楽曲の長さ 00:30
作曲家 Rob Rocker
Loz Brazil
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005