Axe Attack Bed Mix #118
Axe Attack Basic Mix #119
Axe Attack No 8 Bit Mix #120
Axe Attack Drums and Bass Mix #121
Axe Attack 30sec #122
Axe Attack Sting 1 #123
Axe Attack Sting 2 #124
Axe Attack Sting 3 #125
Lordy Sugar smashes up his home computer and goes guitar!
Rock Rage!, 94bpm, 8 Bit Trips, 1970s, 1980s, 2000s, 2010s, rock, metal, heavy, huge, phat, angry, energy, mean, moody, sweaty, nasty, youth, sports, primetime, promo, film, trailer, medium, mad, bad, rage, full of rage, full of hell, wound up, ready to blow, cross, enraged, ferocious, fierce, see red, seeing red, red mist, fiery, furious, fuming, hating, full of hate, hateful, heated, hot, huffy, mardy, pissed off, pissed, incensed, inflamed, infuriated, irascible, irate, maddened, offended, outraged, provoked, raging, riled, volatile, wrathful, wrath, hard, tough, rigid, solid, banging, hammering, angrily, brutal, brutally, force, forceful, forcefully, fiercely, heavily, intense, intensely, painful, pain, painfully, power, powerful, powerfully, relentless, relentlessly, rigorous, rigorously, rough, roughly, savage, savagely, severe, severely, strong, strength, might, mighty, ruff, tuff, boisterous, unpolished, unrefined, rough and ready, sketchy, messy, yoof, electric, synth
ジャンル | ニューメタル |
ムード | 恐怖/緊張/シリアス, パワフル, ドラマティック |
カテゴリ | バトル, スポーツ |
楽器 | エレクトリックギター, エレクトリックベース, シンセサイザー, アコースティックドラム |
その他情報 |
バージョン | Full |
トラック番号 | 117 |
楽曲の長さ | 02:59 |
作曲家 | Jim Jammy Roger Dodgers |
JASRACコード | |
テンポ | 遅い |