
Seaside Rock

The Funky Junkies

[TFJ010] Seaside Rock

Grey Days

Rain stopped play? Sit in the car and have a smoke! Nice!

Laidback Dub!, 80bpm, Seaside Rock, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, dub, reggae, hip hop, mellow, funky, cool, relaxed, dopey, chilled, chill, smokey, youth, comedy, daytime, promo, rhodes, shouts, slowish, easy, easy going, rounded, smooth, soft, sweet, benign, obliging, pleasant, agreeable, amiable, concordant, cordial, empathic, harmonious, sympathetic, understanding, congenial, congruous, favourable, amenable, laid back, serene, tranquil, soothing, quirky, left field, odd, off the wall, out of the ordinary, peculiar, outre, unconventional, unorthodox, unusual, curious, kooky, different, queer, kitsch, unique, breathe easy, calm, calm down, collect oneself, collected, composed, feel at home, hang loose, laze, lie down, loosen up, put your feet up, recline, repose, rest, settle down, sit back, take a break, take a breather, take it easy, take ten, time out, tranquilise, unbend, unwind, carefree, casual, complaisant, even tempered, flexible, free and easy, indolent, informal, insouciant, laidback, liberal, mild, moderate, natural, nonchalant, patient, placid, unconcerned, undemanding, unhurried, unrestrained, detached, lax, liberated, unrestricted, airy, restful, balm, be calm, compose, hush, sedate, simmer down, soothe, take the edge off, retreat, graceful, gracious, loose, breezy, restored, languid, loiter, lounge, loll around, lolling, retro, nostalgia, nostalgic, dated, period, era, old school, vintage, throwback, epoch, of a time, downbeat, gloomy, shady, shadowy, sombre, stygian, arcane, cryptic, deep, enigmatic, esoteric, mysterious, mystic, mystical, grim, hopeless, bleak, cheerless, dismal, foreboding, joyless, morbid, morose, mournful, ominous, forbidding, frowning, glowering, threatening, austere, comfortless, jarring, moody, depressed, depression, glum, sad, downhearted, pessimistic, pessimism, defeatist, dejected, defeated, negative, unhappy, blue, feeling blue, down in the dumps, in the dol abject, brooding, bummed out, bummed, crestfallen, despondent, discouraged, disheartened, droopy, self pity, heavy hearted, low, low spirits, melancholy, kids, holiday, organ, rhodes, shouts

ジャンル R&B
ムード 温かい/のどかな/ノスタルジック, 悲しい/憂鬱
カテゴリ ライフスタイル
楽器 エレクトリックギター, エレクトリックベース, オルガン
その他情報 ブレイクビーツ,
バージョン Basic Mix
トラック番号 317
楽曲の長さ 03:16
作曲家 Rob Rocker
Loz Brazil
テンポ 遅い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005