
Seaside Rock

The Funky Junkies

[TFJ010] Seaside Rock

Lovers Stroll

Other Version

Lovers Stroll Bed Mix #101

Lovers Stroll Basic Mix #102

Lovers Stroll No Vocals Mix #103

Lovers Stroll Unplugged Mix #104

Lovers Stroll 30sec #105

Lovers Stroll Sting 1 #106

Lovers Stroll Sting 2 #107

Lovers Stroll Sting 3 #108

Love in the air, sand in the toes ... get your hand off my bum!

Cheesy Listening!, 108bpm, Seaside Rock, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, pop, easy listening, happy, sunny, relaxed, swaying, swinging, kids, comedy, daytime, rhodes, vocals, glockenspiel, bongos, slowish, cheerful, cheery, bright, breezy, joyful, joy, gleeful, glee, chipper, chirpy, jolly, joyous, merry, perky, peppy, sparky, upbeat, vivacious, effervescent, bouncy, fun, full of fun, party, jokey, jovial, funny, clown, clowning around, absurd, daft, goofy, kooky, fooling around, joshing, amusing, comic, comedy moment, comedic, having a laugh, farce, farcical, playful, ribald, waggish, frolic, frolicsome, mischievous, quirky, left field, odd, off the wall, out of the ordinary, peculiar, outre, unconventional, unorthodox, unusual, curious, different, queer, kitsch, unique, retro, nostalgia, nostalgic, dated, period, era, old school, vintage, throwback, epoch, of a time, fine, radiant, shining, shiny, summery, sunshiny, genial, grinning, buoyant, carefree, gay, glad, jaunty, jocund, lighthearted, mirthful, sprightly, beaming, golden, airy, enthusiastic, good humoured, good natured, optimistic, uplifting, moving on, moving on up, moving forwards, looking up, looking forwards, empowering, elevate, elevating, inspire, inspiring, inspirational, boost, boost up, cheering, elate, lift up, lift spirits, elated, improve, improving, getting better, raising spirits, raising morale, morale boost, perk up, enlightening, heartwarming, life affirming, win, winning, hopeful, hoping, expectant, blithe, high hopes, _anticipating, anticipative, content, forward-looking, inspired, keeping the faith, looking forward to, reassured, reassuring, rose-colored, serene, trustful, trusting, auspicious, encouraging, full of promise, promising, propitious, utopian, utopia, optimism, promo, holiday, acoustic, rhodes, glockenspiel, bongos

ジャンル アコースティックロック/ポップ, カントリー
ムード 明るい/楽しい/希望, 温かい/のどかな/ノスタルジック
カテゴリ 自然, ライフスタイル, キッズ
楽器 男性, アコースティックギター, エレクトリックギター, アコースティックドラム
バージョン Full (Vocal)
トラック番号 100
楽曲の長さ 03:11
作曲家 Jim Jammy
Roger Dodgers
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005