
Funky Jams

The Funky Junkies

[TFJ007] Funky Jams

Happy Apple

Smiley sax lines, bright brass riffs and a speedy breakbeat!

Breakbeaty Funk!, 144bpm, Funky Jams, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, funk, funky, frenetic, happy, confident, cool, jittery, syncopated, dirty, bass, saxophone, rhodes, daytime, primetime, bouncy, beaty, upbeat, fun, cheerful, cheery, chipper, chirpy, lively, perky, peppy, sparky, living it up, full of beans, effervescent, fizzing, full of fun, energetic, sporty, active, animated, brisk, dynamic, kinetic, running, tireless, vigorous, vital, vivacious, urgent, bright, breezy, joyful, joy, gleeful, glee, jolly, joyous, merry, sunny, party, jokey, jovial, funny, clown, clowning around, absurd, daft, goofy, kooky, fooling around, joshing, amusing, comic, comedy moment, comedic, having a laugh, farce, farcical, playful, ribald, waggish, frolic, frolicsome, mischievous, comedy, quirky, left field, odd, off the wall, out of the ordinary, peculiar, outre, unconventional, unorthodox, unusual, curious, different, queer, kitsch, unique, retro, nostalgia, nostalgic, dated, period, era, old school, vintage, throwback, epoch, of a time, fine, radiant, shining, shiny, summery, sunshiny, genial, grinning, buoyant, carefree, gay, glad, jaunty, jocund, lighthearted, mirthful, sprightly, beaming, golden, airy, enthusiastic, good humoured, good natured, optimistic, organs, medium, fastish, kids, lifestyle, organs, rhodes

ジャンル エレクトロポップ, ジャズ
ムード ノリの良い/ファンキー, クール/洗練された, 神秘的/ミステリアス
カテゴリ スパイ
楽器 シンセサイザー, オルガン, ブラスセクション
その他情報 ブレイクビーツ,
バージョン Sting 2
トラック番号 91
楽曲の長さ 00:09
作曲家 Jim Jammy
Roger Dodgers
JASRACコード 1K4-2415-3
テンポ 速い
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005