
Ready Set Go! 2

Brand X Production Music


Ready Set Go! 2

Get ready for nonstop excitement with Brand X Music's 'Ready Set Go! 2?! Bursting with 15 upbeat, editor-friendly tracks, this dynamic album fuses spirited live horns, snap-clappy beats, and electrifying synths into an irresistible sonic experience. Following the infectious energy of its predecessor, this sequel amps up the thrill with fresh vocal chops and cutting-edge sound design. From action-packed trailers to high-energy ads, 'Ready Set Go! 2' delivers the ultimate fuel to energize and elevate your projects, ensuring they stand out and leave a lasting impact.


Move Your Feet Full 他バージョンあり #1

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Bouncy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Swinging, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, E Minor, Bass, Brass, Trumpet, Saxophone, Baritone Sax, Risers, Sound Design, Whooshes, Guitars, Percussion, Drum Kit, Kicks, Tambourine, Hi-Hats, Cymbals, Booms, Snares, Toms, Vocal Effects

Stop Drop And Funk Full 他バージョンあり #5

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Bouncy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, A Minor, Snaps, Bass, Brass, Saxophone, Sound Design, Whooshes, Hits, Risers, Impacts, Drums, Percussion, Toms, Guitars, Cymbals, Kicks, Booms, Piano, Keys, Vocal Effects

Rally The Groove Full 他バージョンあり #9

Action, Comedy, Hyped, Bold, Bouncy, Dynamic, Swaggering, Punchy, Snappy, Exciting, Building, Growing, Futuristic, Signature, Modern, Eventy, Fun, Macho, Strutting, Powerful, Epic, Massive, Impactful, Huge, Tough, Explosive, Proud, Mighty, Fearless, Empowering, Courageous, Daring, Conquering, Electronic, Optimistic, Playful, D Minor, Bass, Braams, Trumpet, Trombone, Brass, Breaths, Percussion, Drums, Hits, Impacts, Toms, Booms, Guiro, Woodblock, Sound Design, Risers, Shakers, Cymbals, Hi-Hats, Claps, Kicks, Snaps, Snares, Sticks, Bongos, Timbales, Tombak, Synths, Synth Pulses, Pads, Signatures

Jive Alive Full 他バージョンあり #13

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Swinging, Bouncy, Jazzy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, F Minor, Bass, 808 Bass, Brass, Horns, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Drum Kit, Drums, Percussion, Cymbals, Hi-Hats, Hits, Impacts, Claps, Sound Design, Risers, Snares, Tickies, Toms, Reverses, Vocal Effects

Hype House Full 他バージョンあり #17

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Bouncy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Swinging, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, B Minor, Guitars, Synths, Synth Pulses, Brass, Horns, Saxophone, Sound Design, Downers, Risers, Whooshes, Percussion, Drums, Claps, Cymbals, Hi-Hats, Drum Kit, Hits, Impacts, Toms, Snares, Tickies, Pads

Groove Patrol Full 他バージョンあり #20

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Bouncy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, Eb Minor, Bass, Drums, Percussion, Claps, Cowbell, Kicks, Drum Kit, Stomps, Hi-Hats, Hits, Impacts, Sound Design, Whooshes, Downers, Risers, Guitars, Brass, Trumpet, Saxophone, Synths, Vocal Effects

Showtime Shuffle Full 他バージョンあり #24

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Quirky, Cool, Dynamic, Wild, Bouncy, Percussive, Funny, Comedic, Swinging, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Signature, Slick, D Minor, Bass, Saxophone, Percussion, Claps, Snaps, Toms, Kicks, Hits, Impacts, Whooshes, Downers, Risers, Sound Design, Turntable, Vocal Effects, Drums, Snares, Tambourine, Hi-Hats, Cymbals

Mambo Electro Full 他バージョンあり #28

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Youthful, Electronic, Synthy, Quirky, Cool, Dynamic, Wild, Bouncy, Percussive, Funny, Comedic, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Signature, Slick, Bb Minor, Bass, 808 Bass, Brass, Horns, Saxophone, Trumpet, Drum Kit, Drums, Percussion, Cymbals, Hi-Hats, Hits, Impacts, Claps, Sound Design, Risers, Shakers, Snares, Tickies, Toms, Reverses, Vocal Effects

Life Of The Party Full 他バージョンあり #32

Comedy, Reality, Action, Electronic, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Bouncy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, Eb Minor, Sound Design, Downers, Reverses, Risers, Whooshes, Hits, Impacts, Drums, Percussion, Drum Kit, Snaps, Kicks, Toms, Hi-Hats, Stomps, Brass, Horns, Saxophone, Snares, Tambourine, Guitars, Synths, Bass, Vocal Effects

Playful Hustle Full 他バージョンあり #37

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Electronic, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Bouncy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, A Minor, Brass, Saxophone, Trumpet, Sound Design, Downers, Risers, Whooshes, Percussion, Hits, Impacts, Drums, Drum Kit, Claps, Kicks, Snares, Sticks, Keys, Talkbox, Vocoder

Fire It Up Full 他バージョンあり #41

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Electronic, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Bouncy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, E Minor, Saxophone, Horns, Trumpet, Baritone Sax, Sound Design, Risers, Downers, Percussion, Synths, Hits, Impacts, Drums, Drum Kit, Snares, Claps, Synth Pulses, Pads, Booms, Bass

Cool Cat Swing Full 他バージョンあり #44

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Bouncy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Swinging, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, Db Minor, Bass, Brass, Trumpet, Saxophone, Baritone Sax, Hits, Drums, Impacts, Risers, Sound Design, Guitars, Percussion, Drum Kit, Kicks, Tambourine, Hi-Hats, Cymbals, Booms, Snares, Toms, Keys, Piano, Vocal Effects

Swing Machine Full 他バージョンあり #49

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Swinging, Bouncy, Jazzy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, D Minor, Bass, 808 Bass, Brass, Saxophone, Trumpet, Claps, Cowbell, Sound Design, Risers, Downers, Percussion, Drums, Hits, Snaps, Kicks, Toms, Piano, Keys, Cymbals, Shakers, Drum Kit

Silly Hounds Full 他バージョンあり #52

Comedy, Reality, Drama, Youthful, Electronic, Synthy, Quirky, Cool, Dynamic, Wild, Bouncy, Percussive, Funny, Comedic, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Signature, Slick, C Minor, Saxophone, Horns, Trumpet, Baritone Sax, Sound Design, Risers, Downers, Percussion, Keys, Organ, Hits, Impacts, Drums, Drum Kit, Snares, Bongos, Synths, Booms, Sticks, Synth Pulses, Bass, Claps, Snaps

Neon Dynamite Full 他バージョンあり #55

Comedy, Reality, World, World, Bouncy, Percussive, Quirky, Funny, Comedic, Swinging, Fun, Exciting, Funky, Uplifting, Motivating, Partying, Lighthearted, Grooving, Fast, Rhythmic, Dancey, Upbeat, Confident, Strutting, Energetic, Youthful, Playful, Driving, Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Positive, Feel-good, Optimistic, Sassy, Lively, Punchy, Carefree, Trendy, Modern, Cool, Signature, Slick, Dynamic, F Minor, Brass, Trombone, Claps, Percussion, Drums, Congas, Cymbals, Darbuka, Drum Kit, Hi-Hats, Kicks, Snares, Toms, Shakers, Snaps, Sticks, Timbales, Wood Block, Guitars, Hits, Impacts, Pings, Synths, Synth Pulses, Synth Plucks