

Edition Klangidee



Magical, mystical and atmospheric titles on the subject of snow


First Snow Full 他バージョンあり #1

Film Music, Beautiful, Bright, Gentle, Hopeful, Inspirational, Magical, Organic, Warm, Lifestyle TV, Travel, Documentary, Nature, Instrumental, Bass-Upright, Cello, Percussion, Piano, Vibraphone

Falling Snow Full 他バージョンあり #4

Hybrid Orchestral, Atmospheric, Dreamy, Ethereal, Minimal, Mysterious, Mystical, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Instrumental, Bass-Upright, Percussion, Violin

Snowmansland Full 他バージョンあり #6

Film Music, Atmospheric, Dreamy, Ethereal, Flowing, Mysterious, Mystical, Panoramic, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Instrumental, Piano, Strings-Pizzicato, Synth

White Wherever You Look Full 他バージョンあり #9

Hybrid Orchestral, Atmospheric, Dreamy, Ethereal, Magical, Mysterious, Mystical, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Science & Technology, Instrumental, Bells, Cello, Percussion, Synth, Violin

Deep White Full 他バージョンあり #11

Film Music, Atmospheric, Dark, Mysterious, Mystical, Ominous, Sad, Tense, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Instrumental, Cello, Strings-Pizzicato

Sparkling Snow Full 他バージョンあり #14

Hybrid Orchestral, Background, Gentle, Hopeful, Magical, Mystical, Simple, Lifestyle TV, Design, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Instrumental, Bass-Upright, Percussion, Piano, Synth

Crystal Now Full 他バージョンあり #16

Film Music, Atmospheric, Ethereal, Flowing, Magical, Mysterious, Mystical, Organic, Tense, Film Genres, Romance, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Instrumental, Bass-Upright, Cello, Piano, Synth

Polarlight Full 他バージョンあり #18

Hybrid Orchestral, Atmospheric, Dreamy, Ethereal, Flowing, Magical, Mysterious, Mystical, Organic, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Instrumental, Cello, Guitar-Acoustic

Whiteout Full 他バージョンあり #21

Hybrid Orchestral, Atmospheric, Minimal, Mysterious, Mystical, Negative, Ominous, Organic, Sad, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Instrumental, Cello, Guitar-Acoustic, Strings-Pizzicato

Winter Evenings Full 他バージョンあり #23

Film Music, Atmospheric, Dreamy, Ethereal, Flowing, Gentle, Magical, Minimal, Organic, Film Genres, Fairytale, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Instrumental, Piano, Synth

Frozen Nights Full 他バージョンあり #26

Film Music, Atmospheric, Dreamy, Ethereal, Magical, Mysterious, Mystical, Tense, Film Genres, Fairytale, Documentary, Nature, Instrumental, Glockenspiel-Celeste, Piano, Synth

Mysterious Ice Flowers Full 他バージョンあり #29

Hybrid Orchestral, Background, Dreamy, Mysterious, Negative, Ominous, Tense, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, 2010s, Instrumental, Bass-Upright, Bells, Percussion, Synth, Violin

Cold Spell Full 他バージョンあり #31

Electronic, Experimental, Atmospheric, Dreamy, Intense, Mysterious, Mystical, Tense, Documentary, Nature, Science & Technology, Instrumental, Cello, Synth

Snowmotion Full 他バージョンあり #34

Hybrid Orchestral, Atmospheric, Beautiful, Ethereal, Gentle, Magical, Organic, Documentary, Nature, Human Interest, Instrumental, Cello, Guitar-Acoustic, Guitar-Slide

Dancing Snowflakes Full 他バージョンあり #37

Hybrid Orchestral, Atmospheric, Ethereal, Magical, Mystical, Strange, Documentary, Nature, Instrumental, Cello, Piano, Strings-Pizzicato, Synth

Winter Morning Full 他バージョンあり #39

Hybrid Orchestral, Atmospheric, Dreamy, Gentle, Hopeful, Organic, Positive, Rural, Simple, Lifestyle TV, Travel, Documentary, Nature, Europe, Europe-Germany-Bavaria, Instrumental, Bells, Cello, Dulcimer