

Gold Top Production Music



Light bright underscore for aspirational lifestyle, intricate crafts and nostalgia.


Double Diamond Full 他バージョンあり #1

Underscore, sparkle, sparkly, magic, happy, antique, antiques, cherish, delicate, intimate, pastoral, countryside, cheerful, family, fun, holiday, inspirational, inspiring, joy, joyful, merry, positive, Santa, snow, uplifting, winter, Christmas, Xmas, Piano, Gelt Piano, Glock, Toy Piano, Celeste, Harp, Strings, Bell Tree, Sus Cymbal

Catch the Light Full 他バージョンあり #5

Underscore, happy, delicate, Christmas, joyful, sparkle, fun, antiques, merry, cherish, countryside, positive, snow, inspirational, sparkly, winter, Xmas, cheerful, inspiring, family, uplifting, joy, magic, antique, pastoral, holiday, intimate, warm, loving, Piano, Toy Piano, Celeste, Glockenspiel, Strings, Harp, Synths, Bass

Bright Sky Full 他バージョンあり #9

Underscore, intimate, joyful, joy, pastoral, cheerful, inspiring, Xmas, cherish, family, sparkle, fun, happy, inspirational, snow, positive, uplifting, holiday, antique, antiques, Christmas, sparkly, delicate, countryside, merry, magic, Toy Piano, Piano, Strings, Electronic Beat, Shakers, Bass, Acoustic Guitar

Faraway Glow Full 他バージョンあり #14

Underscore, sparkly, uplifting, winter, intimate, joyful, inspirational, cheerful, fun, Christmas, pastoral, family, snow, countryside, merry, magic, Xmas, joy, antique, positive, cherish, antiques, delicate, inspiring, holiday, happy, sparkle,, Felt Piano, Dulcitone, Celeste, Marimba, Glockenspiel, Synths, Bass Drum

Shimmering Hope Full 他バージョンあり #18

Underscore, countryside, antique, positive, inspiring, cheerful, inspirational, holiday, cherish, sparkle, sparkly, delicate, winter, antiques, magic, pastoral, Xmas, Christmas, intimate, joy, snow, fun, merry, joyful, happy, uplifting, family, loving, cherish, bonding, Piano, Celeste, Toy Piano, Strings, Marimba, Harp, Synths

Shining Idea Full 他バージョンあり #22

Underscore, uplifting, delicate, holiday, joyful, magic, cheerful, Christmas, inspiring, happy, sparkly, intimate, antique, pastoral, Xmas, joy, winter, snow, family, cherish, inspirational, sparkle, positive, countryside, fun, merry, antiques,, Piano, Toy Piano, Glockenspiel, Strings

Natural High Full 他バージョンあり #26

Underscore, joy, Christmas, sparkle, antique, winter, inspiring, joyful, pastoral, uplifting, cherish, positive, Xmas, holiday, antiques, cheerful, merry, inspirational, countryside, family, magic, happy, snow, delicate, intimate, sparkly, fun, caring, delicate, lullaby, Celeste, Felt Piano

True North Full 他バージョンあり #29

Underscore, delicate, cheerful, cherish, countryside, antiques, intimate, joy, Xmas, inspirational, magic, positive, happy, fun, winter, sparkly, uplifting, pastoral, sparkle, holiday, merry, Christmas, snow, antique, family, joyful, inspiring, journey, human, mallets, pads, Felt Piano, Toy Piano, Celeste, Strings, Synths, Bass