
Reality Beds

Gold Top Production Music


Reality Beds

Urban underscore fusing orchestral pizz with determined pop and trap beats.


Keep it Tight Full 他バージョンあり #1

Modern Orchestral, Trap, reality, drama, dramatic, tense, tension, suspense, thriller, building, intense, moody, suspense, decision, trial, hip hop, strings, trap, Bass, Drums, Synths, SFX, Strings

Flawless Full 他バージョンあり #6

Modern Orchestral, Trap, drama, tension, intense, trial, suspense, dramatic, tense, thriller, reality, moody, suspense, decision, strings, building, hip hop, trap, resolute, flawless, Bass, Drums, Piano, Strings

Rip it Up Full 他バージョンあり #11

Modern Orchestral, Trap, reality, building, trial, drama, decision, dramatic, thriller, suspense, suspense, strings, moody, luxury, light-hearted, funny, happy, positive, Bass, Drums, SFX, Strings, Vox

Get to It Full 他バージョンあり #16

Modern Orchestral, Trap, reality, building, trial, drama, decision, dramatic, thriller, suspense, suspense, strings, moody, luxury, light-hearted, funny, happy, positive, cheeky, quirky, strange, hip hop, trap, strings, pizz, Bass, Drums, SFX, Strings

King of the Castle Full 他バージョンあり #20

Modern Orchestral, Trap, drama, hip hop, moody, thriller, trap suspense, tense, strings, dramatic, building, intense, trial, reality, tension, suspense, decision, synths, argument, fight, Bass, Drums, Synths, SFX, Strings

Take a Trip Full 他バージョンあり #24

Modern Orchestral, Trap, house, dramatic, building, suspense, flawless, reality, tense, strings, tension, resolute, suspense, trap, intense, drama, decision, bed, pizz, strings, funny, positive, upbeat, Bass, Drums, SFX, Strings, Vox

Take the Wheel Full 他バージョンあり #29

Modern Orchestral, Trap, upbeat, building, tension, tense, flawless, suspense, trap, funny, resolute, reality, pizz, hip hop, bed, intense, strings, suspense, drama, dramatic, decision, strings, positive, upbeat, glamour, style, Drums, Synths, SFX, Strings

Be Bold Full 他バージョンあり #33

Modern Orchestral, Trap, bold, dramatic, building, suspense, reality, tense, strings, tension, resolute, suspense, house, drama, decision, bed, pizz, strings, positive, upbeat, bed, beat, victory, success, Bass, Drums, Guitar, Piano, Synths, SFX, Strings, Vox