Urban underscore fusing orchestral pizz with determined pop and trap beats.
Modern Orchestral, Trap, reality, drama, dramatic, tense, tension, suspense, thriller, building, intense, moody, suspense, decision, trial, hip hop, strings, trap, Bass, Drums, Synths, SFX, Strings
Modern Orchestral, Trap, drama, tension, intense, trial, suspense, dramatic, tense, thriller, reality, moody, suspense, decision, strings, building, hip hop, trap, resolute, flawless, Bass, Drums, Piano, Strings
Modern Orchestral, Trap, reality, building, trial, drama, decision, dramatic, thriller, suspense, suspense, strings, moody, luxury, light-hearted, funny, happy, positive, Bass, Drums, SFX, Strings, Vox
Modern Orchestral, Trap, reality, building, trial, drama, decision, dramatic, thriller, suspense, suspense, strings, moody, luxury, light-hearted, funny, happy, positive, cheeky, quirky, strange, hip hop, trap, strings, pizz, Bass, Drums, SFX, Strings
Modern Orchestral, Trap, drama, hip hop, moody, thriller, trap suspense, tense, strings, dramatic, building, intense, trial, reality, tension, suspense, decision, synths, argument, fight, Bass, Drums, Synths, SFX, Strings
Modern Orchestral, Trap, house, dramatic, building, suspense, flawless, reality, tense, strings, tension, resolute, suspense, trap, intense, drama, decision, bed, pizz, strings, funny, positive, upbeat, Bass, Drums, SFX, Strings, Vox
Modern Orchestral, Trap, upbeat, building, tension, tense, flawless, suspense, trap, funny, resolute, reality, pizz, hip hop, bed, intense, strings, suspense, drama, dramatic, decision, strings, positive, upbeat, glamour, style, Drums, Synths, SFX, Strings
Modern Orchestral, Trap, bold, dramatic, building, suspense, reality, tense, strings, tension, resolute, suspense, house, drama, decision, bed, pizz, strings, positive, upbeat, bed, beat, victory, success, Bass, Drums, Guitar, Piano, Synths, SFX, Strings, Vox