
Girl Power Unlimited


Girl Power Unlimited

[ エレクトロポップ ] [ ファンク ] [ ヒップホップ ]
[ ポジティヴ/楽しい ] [ エキサイティング ] [ ファンキー ] [ ノリのよい ] [ クール/洗練された ]
[ 企業VP/プロモ ] [ スポーツ ] [ ファッションショー ] [ ストリート ]

This super-catchy girl power album by singer/producer Salme Dahlstrom is bursting with young energy, gritty attitude and fun. A celebration of female confidence and determination, ready to uplift and showcase unlimited girl power! Each song radiates electrifying, unstoppable drive and cool swagger, blending bold female vocals and ear-catching hooks with punchy beats and funky electro pop vibes. These trendy tracks are the perfect choice for exciting advertising, promos, entertainment, women’s sports, luxury, fashion, youth TV and many more. Included versions: Underscores, Instrumentals, 30 and 60 sec cuts.
